

CABANA: #18 (B)



The High-Style Interiors Journal

#18 | FALL WINTER 2022
Cover Liberty

# THIS ISSUE is truly a celebration of the decorative detail, timeless design and old-world craftsmanship on which Cabana was founded almost ten years ago. From traditional limewashed houses, embroidered cushions and painted furniture in the awe-inspiring Transylvania countryside to one of Siena’s most important palazzos, Renzo Mongiardino’s first major decorating project in Veneto, Liberty’s storied archives in London, and Dame Barbara Cartland’s Egyptian-inspired home - photographed by the legendary Tim Walker - this issue will take you on a journey (or better still, a treasure hunt) through time as much as space. Many of the interiors appear frozen in time, while others have never been published before - including the homes of three leading interior designers’, which are exclusively revealed in this issue.

! 패브릭 표지로 컷팅부위에 따라 실물 표지 이미지는 다를 수 있습니다.

^ 정기구독은 개별문의 부탁 드립니다 (ANNUAL 2 ISSUES: 145,000원)
* 잡지 특성상 교환/환불은 불가능합니다.

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